
Here's a step-by-step guide for installing Node.js, Twig, and Sequelize.

Node.js Installation

Before you can use Twig and Sequelize, you need to have Node.js installed.

Step 1: Download Node.js
Step 2: Install Node.js
  • Run the installer you downloaded.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Step 3: Verify Installation
  • Open a terminal or command prompt.
  • Run: node -v and npm -v to verify the installation.

Set Up a Node.js Project

  • Create a project directory:

    mkdir my-project

    Navigate into the directory:

    cd my-project
  • Initialize npm with default settings using: npm init -y
  • This creates a package.json file with default settings.

Install Twig

  • Install Twig via npm using: npm install twig

Admin Panel

Letscms Administration

Letscms's administration side of the store is where you can modify features, upload images, add products, keep track of customers, manage payments, and much more. Customization in the admin affects how the customer will interact with a store: by modifying the look, structure, and content of the store front.

Accessing the Admin Panel

To access the admin panel, enter the store's URL in the web browser, followed by /admin. For example, if your store is located at, the admin panel can be accessed at If your store is located in a sub-folder or on a sub-domain, adding /admin/dashboard to the URL will direct you to the administration panel.

Login page

Once you've entered the correct email and password, clicking the "Login" button will take you to the Letscms dashboard. Upon your first login, the dashboard will be blank (as shown below) because there is no statistical data to display yet.

Dashboard page Dashboard page


The dashboard is the first page you'll encounter when accessing Letscms's admin panel. Its primary function is to provide the shop owner with a clear overview of how the store is performing. There are three key sections in the dashboard to help you understand the statistical data collected by your store:

  • Top: Letscms provides numerical values for Total Sales, Total Orders, Total Customers, and People Online. These figures help you keep track of approvals and sales.
  • Sales Analytics: A graph is displayed to track the store's performance over time, showing Sales, Orders, Customers, Affiliates, Reviews, and Rewards. The x-axis represents time (hours, days, or months based on the selected range), while the y-axis displays total sales (Yellow), total orders (Yellow), and total customers (Blue).
  • Sales and Products: This section lists the last 5 orders, top 5 best-selling and least-selling products, as well as the 5 most viewed products.
  • World Map: A map is provided to visualize total orders and sales based on countries.
Dashboard map

On the left side of the dashboard, you'll find the administration navigation menu. You can move between various sections, including Catalog, Extensions, Design, Sales, Customers, Marketing, Reports, Marketplace, Localisation, and System. Each of these sections will be discussed in greater detail throughout this user guide.


Filters are an essential and powerful tool within the Letscms administration, allowing you to quickly locate specific items across various sections. By typing into one of the filter fields and pressing the "Filter" button, the system will narrow down the list, displaying only the items that match the criteria you've entered. Filters are available across multiple areas, including Products, Categories, Customers, Reports, and Orders, making it easy to search for information stored in list format.

Example: If you want to locate a product in a large product list, you can use the "Filter" function to search for it by entering keywords in the search boxes. This is particularly useful when managing a large inventory, allowing you to quickly find and edit specific products without manually browsing through multiple pages. The search boxes are conveniently located in the first row above the product list.


Catalog → Categories

Each product in Letscms is filed under one or more Categories. This structure aids in navigation and allows products to be grouped with similar items. Categories can also be assigned a Parent Category, helping you establish a hierarchy. When creating categories, keep in mind that each Category Name must be unique, even if two categories have different Parent Categories.

To access the Category page in the administration panel, hover over the Catalog button and select Category from the dropdown. This will bring you to a page listing all store product categories, as seen below.


The ">" symbol points from a parent category to a sub-category. For example, "Laptops > Windows" indicates that "Windows" is a sub-category under the parent category "Laptops".

Clicking "Edit" under the Action column allows the administrator to modify the category information. You can also click "Add New" to insert additional categories to the store.

Create a Category

General Tab

The General tab requires you to fill out basic information about the product category:

  • Category Name: The name that will represent this category in the store.
  • Description: A brief description that will be displayed to customers on the category page in the storefront.
Add Category Screenshot

Data Tab

The Data tab asks for the following data:

  • Parent Category: Categories are arranged in a hierarchical structure; with the parent category always on top. You may choose to create a category under a parent category, turning it into a sub-category. In the category list the category will be displayed as "Parent Category > Sub-Category". If "None" is selected, the category created will be a parent category.
  • Filters: Map any pre-created filters to a category. See Filter for more information on how filters work.
  • Stores: If you are managing more than one store with Arastta, you may check which stores you would like to add this category to. If only one store is available, "Default" may be checked. See Creating a multi-store for more information about multi-stores.
  • Image: Select the main image for the product page and the thumbnail for product listings. See Image Manager for more information on how to upload an image using the image manager tool.
  • Top: Checking this section will display this category in the top menu of every page. If no selection is made, it will not be displayed.
  • Columns: This number controls how many sub-categories are displayed when selecting the parent category.
  • Sort Order: This sort order determines the position of the category in the menu. A sorting order of 1 would be displayed before a sorting order of 2, 3, and so on.
  • Status: Selecting "enabled" makes the category publicly available in the store front. Selecting "disabled" will hide the category from the store front, but will still be available for editing purposes in the administration.


The SEO tab asks for SEO information regarding the product category:

  • SEO URL: Do not enter site name or parent category, just the product URL. Leave empty if you want it to be generated by the system automatically based on category name.

Design Tab

The design tab consists of the "Layout Override" feature. In this feature, you can choose to override a layout, such as the 'Account' page, to include the category on that page. For more information on layouts, see Modules. You can just leave it blank for the meantime.


Catalog → Products

Products in the administration. Products are the bread and butter of the average Letscms store. Therefore, it is essential that you learn how to manage your store's product inventory using the Letscms administration side. Before adding products, you must make sure that you have all the necessary information about the product you are adding to the store. To get detailed information of your products to your customer, Letscms requires this information to be gathered beforehand. The more information given to Letscms about a specific product, the more informed the customer will be about that particular product when purchasing it from your store. Products overview ,The Product section, accessed under Catalog, will display all the products available in the store. Every row of product will contain the following information: - Ordering - Checkbox - Image - Product Name - Price - Quantity - Status: Selecting "Enabled" lets the product be visible in the store's store front. Selecting "Disabled" will remove the product from view. Checking an individual box in the first column will select the product information within the same row. Once selected, you can choose to Enable, Disable or Delete the product. If you would like to look up a product in the product list, you can use Filter as a shortcut to search for it. For more information on the Filter tool, visit Filter. Pressing Add New in the top right corner will direct the administrator to a form to add new products. Using Bulk Actions and Quick Edit Bulk Actions describe the process to be performed on particular Products. These Actions can be performed on one, or more Products, at one time, if those Products have been previously selected. Bulk Actions are available, when appropriate, as choices in the Actions pulldown box, above each Table. There are three Bulk Actions allowed, Enable, Disable, and Delete. The following fields can be change via the Quick Edit Action: Image, Product Name, Price, Quantity, Status.The complete list of store products can be found under Catalog > Products. If this is your first time in the Product section, you will notice the default products left over from the installation. These products can be used to experiment with and explore the Letscms features before launching your store. You will eventually need to delete these products to make room for your store's products. To delete the default products: 1. Check the box left of the "Image column" in the list. This should select all the products on the page. 2. Click the "Delete" button on the top right side. 3. Press "OK" when a window pops up asking "Delete/Install cannot be undone! Are you sure you want to do this?". There should now be a blank list to add individual products to. The Add New button directs the administrator to a page requiring product information. Before products are added to the administration, product categories must already be established by the administrator. See Categories before continuing with this section. With the product categories created, products are now ready to be added to the catalog.

General Tab

The format of the General tab is identical to the General tab when creating a product category, with the addition of the Product Tags feature:

  • Product Name
  • Description: Text that will describe this product on the product page, to be viewed by the customers in the store front of the shop.
  • Product Tags:A tag to describe the product to the customers. If a customer types in this tag in the search box found in the header, the product will be displayed in the search results.

Data Tab

The data tab includes all the product criteria that will be included on the product page in the store front for customers to view:

Fill in the spaces above with the following information:

  • Image: clicking "Browse Folders" will lead the administrator to the Image Manager to upload a new image.
  • Model: create a model number for the product using a combination of letters and numbers. (required)
  • SKU (stock keeping unit): a random code for the product.
  • UPC (universal product code): the product's unique barcode.
  • EAN (europian article number)
  • JAN (japanese article number)
  • ISBN (international standartbook number)
  • MPN (Manufacturer part number)
  • Location: where the product is located.
  • Price: set a price for the product.
  • Tax Class: select a tax class category on this product that was made Settings > Localisation > Tax Classes. This will apply the tax in the checkout for the product. Select "None" if taxes will not be applied to this product.
  • Quantity: The total amount available in the store for this specific product.
  • Minimum Quantity: the minimum amount of product a customer must reach to add that product to their Shopping Cart.
  • Subtract Stock: "Yes" will subtract stock from the quantity of the product (Ex: If there are 100 computers, and a customer buys 2 computers, Subtract Stock will change the quantity to 98).
  • Out of Stock Status: select "Out of Stock", "In Stock", "2-3 days", or "Preorder" as the message shown on the product page when the product's quantity reaches 0.
  • Requires Shipping: If the product requires shipping, select "Yes". If not, select "No".
  • Data Available: the date when this product will become available for purchase.
  • Dimensions: enter the length by width by height of the product if there are dimensions to include.
  • Length Class: determines the metric units for the dimensions above.
  • Weight: Enter a number for the weight.
  • Weight Class: Specify the units of weight for the number entered into "Weight".
  • Status: Enabling makes the product publicly available in the store. Disabling allows the product to be edited in the administration , but hides it from the store front .
  • Sort Order: When the product is sorted in a list, a number assigns it a priority. A product with a sorting order or 2 will be placed higher than a product with a sorting order of 3, but lower than a product with a sorting order of 1.


The SEO tab asks for SEO information regarding the product:

  • SEO URL: Do not enter site name or parent category, just the product URL. Leave empty if you want it to be generated by the system automatically based on category name.

Links Tab

The Links tab specifies which pages Letscms will show the product on:

  • Manufacturer: Selecting the product's manufacturer will place the product on the manufacturer's page. Select manufacturers can be viewed on the home page if added to the manufacturer banner.
  • Categories: Check the categories that the product will be placed into. The product will be listed on the category's page in the store.
  • Filters: Select the filters to be applied to this product if your Filter module is enabled. See Filters for more information.
  • Stores: Check which stores will sell this product. Clicking "Default" applies if there is only one store to be managed.
  • Downloads: If the product is a downloadable product, select the file that will be included with the purchase.
  • Related Products: In this space, type any related products for this product. These products will be displayed on that product's page for the customer to view. When typing in the space, a drop down box will appear with related products.

Attributes Tab

Attributes are the specifications that are compared between products in the Product Comparison. Attributes are originally created under Catalog > Attributes. In Catalog > Products, selecting an attribute will assign an attribute directly to a specific product. If Letscms was just installed, it would be blank. Press "Add" and a form below should appear. Fill in the blanks with the attribute name and information, and click "Add Attribute".

Option Tab

Options are extra selections that a customer can make on the Product page before adding the product to the shopping cart. Options are first created under Catalog > Options, then assigned to a product that is created under Catalog > Products.

One example of an option is "size". Begin by typing "size" into the search box. Size should appear in a drop down box. Select it, and click on the green add button. On the right, click "Add Option Value".

The Option Values were previously created in the Options section under Catalog. In this section any option can be added, such as "Large". To subtract from the quantity every time a product is purchased with this option, you can select "Yes" under "Subtract Stock". An increase of price can be added to the option value, points, and weight. Click "Add Option Value" to assign that information to that specific option value. You can click "Remove" to erase the option value. See Options for a more in depth explanation of the options feature.

Subscription Plans Tab

Applying Your subscription plan to a Product

Once you have created your customer group and added your selected customers to that group, you are ready to apply your profile to a product.

Click Add subscription, and you will see dropdown boxes appear that will allow you to choose which subscription plan and which Customer Group to apply to that particular product. When you are finished, click Save.

Your new Profile has now been applied to your selected customers for your selected product.

Discount Tab

The Discount Tab needs the following information to include a discount for a product.

  • Customer Group: A group of customers (made in Sales > Customers > Groups) that meet a criteria to use this discount.
  • Quantity: The limit for the amount of products that can apply this discount.
  • Priority: Adding a priority number such as 1, 2, or 3, will determine when this discount will be used when other discounts are applied to a customer's order. 1 will apply this discount first, while 2 will apply it second, and so on.
  • Price: The discounted price.
  • Date Start: The first date the discount will be applied.
  • Date End: The last date available for use of the discount; the date the discount will end.

Press "Add Discount" once the information has been filled in. Click "Remove" to remove the discount from the product.

Special Tab

The Special tab is identical to the Discount tab, except that this offer will be considered a special, not a discount. Fill in the customer group, priority, price, date start, date end.

Image Tab

The images tags let the administrator add additional product images to the product page. The main image was already uploaded in the Data tab of Products, so keep in mind these images will be included below that main image on the product page.

You may click "Add Image", then "Browse" to select an image from the Image Manager. Assign a number for sorting order. "1" will make it the first additional image, while every descending sorting number will follow it. The image above is an example from a product page in the store front. The large main image was added in the Data tab. The images above were added in the "Image" tab, with the farthest top left assigned as 1, and the following images assigned a lower priority.

Reward Tab

Reward points is a feature of Letscms that assigns customers "loyalty points" for purchasing products from the store. Customers can use these acquired points as a currency to purchase products from the store. You can assign this product a certain number of reward points required for a customer to purchase it with. If you don't want to allow this product to be bought with reward points, you can simply leave this area blank.

You may click "Add Image", then "Browse" to select an image from the Image Manager. Assign a number for sorting order. "1" will make it the first additional image, while every descending sorting number will follow it. The image above is an example from a product page in the store front. The large main image was added in the Data tab. The images above were added in the "Image" tab, with the farthest top left assigned as 1, and the following images assigned a lower priority.

Design Tab

If you want a product available on other layouts besides the product page, you can choose to override certain layouts in order to include that product on that page.

Subscription Plan

Subscription Plan List

Subscription Plans are a new, optional feature in Letscms. They allow you to set up recurring payments for your customers. Profiles are useful if you plan to sell products by subscription, if you are promoting a discount or member's club, or if you are simply breaking up payments into smaller portions. This feature gives the store owner more control over how customers are charged for products or services.

Adding New Subscription Plan

If you choose to Insert a new subscription plan, you will see the following options:

  • Name: This will be the name of the subscription or payment plan, such as “$35 per month or Discount Club".
  • Sort Order: This is simply for putting your profiles into a certain order, to make your top picks easier to find.
  • Status: You can enable or disable the profile here.
  • Price: The actual price of the program or subscription. In this example, it is $39.99.
  • Duration: The number of times a user will make a payment. Set to 0 if unlimited. If unlimited, the payment plan will continue until canceled by you or the user. In the example, the duration is set to 12 months (for a yearly subscription).
  • Cycle: The number that will be applied to your frequency option.
  • Frequency: This option allows you to choose how often a user will make a payment. In the example, the cycle is "1," and the frequency is "month," causing the user to be billed monthly. If you wanted your customer to be billed every three weeks, you would choose "3" as the cycle, and "week" as the frequency.
  • Trial Status: Here, you may enable or disable a free trial. If disabled, you may leave the following options blank.
  • Trial Price: The price of the subscription or payment plan during the trial period
  • Trial Duration: The number of times a user will make a payment before the trial expires
  • Trial Cycle: The number that will be applied to your trial frequency option
  • Trial Frequency: How often the trial will cycle.


How to use filters?

Before starting, keep in mind that filters can be shown only on category and product pages. Not home or any other page. Also, the Filters feature of Letscms does not make an "intersection" but "conjunction" of the selected options. Here you can find extensions that offers "intersection" filter.

  • Go to Catalog => Filters and select Insert to create a filter group. Assign a filter group name (e.g. Color > Blue) and add filter name values (e.g. Blue, Red, Yellow).
  • Go to Catalog => Categories and Edit a category. Under the Data tab add the filters you want to be able to apply to that category (e.g. Color > Blue, Color > Red).
  • Go to Catalog => Products and Edit a product. Under the Links tab add the filters which apply to the product (e.g. Color > Blue). Apply to as many products as applicable.
  • Go to Extensions => Layouts => Modules => Filter. If not installed select Install. Click Edit and set "Status" to "Enabled".
  • Go to Design => Layouts. Select "Category" or "Product" as layout page and set whatever position and sort order you would like.

Here you can find more info about how to show modules on a layout.

  1. Create the Filter Groups. Go to "Catalog => Filters" and add new group by clicking insert button.
    filter image
  2. Assign Filters to Categories. Go to "Catalog => Categories" and click on Edit on your category line. Then go to Data tab and write your filter name on "Filters:" textbox (don't use group name but filter name). Filters will appear on screen with autocomplete, please select your filter from the list then save (you can add many filters for each category with rewriting values).
    filter image
  3. Assign Filters to Products. Go to "Catalog => Products" and click on Edit on your product line. Then go to Links tab and write your filter name on "Filters:" textbox (don't use group name but filter name). Filters will appear on screen with autocomplete, please select your filter from the list then save (you can add many filters for each product with rewriting values).
    filter image


Attributes in the administration

The attributes section lets you edit the attributes compared between products in "Product Comparison". When viewing products in the store front, customers have the option to add products to "Add to Compare" to analyze the similarities and differences between products in the store. Attributes can be used to describe the size, weight, color, and any other specifications of the product that have potential for comparison. You can create these attributes in the Catalog > Attributes area. To add attributes directly to products, visit the Attribute tab under Products.

Attribute Groups

An attributes group contains related attributes that can be compared under Product Comparison. Attributes such as 'Clockspeed' and 'No. of Cores' can be organized under the larger attribute group of 'Processor'.

Attribute group list

To create an attribute group, go to Catalog> Attributes> Attributes Group and click "Add New". This form only requires an attribute group name in "Attribute Group Name". Adding the "Sort Order" is optional. Adding a sort order will affect the arrangement order of attributes under Product Comparison. The attribute groups created here can have individual attributes added to them later.

Creating attributes

In Catalog > Attributes, attributes can be created, edited, and deleted.

Attribute list

To create a new attribute, click "Add New". This button will direct you to a page asking for the "Attribute Name", "Attribute Group", and "Sort Order".

Attribute edit

The "Sort Order" determines the position of the attribute if the product has multiple attributes assigned to it. The "Attribute Group" is the larger group of attributes that this particular attribute will belong to when assigned.

Attributes in the store front

At this point in the guide, you should be familiar with creating attributes on the administration side; so let's see how creating an attribute in the back-end can affect the store front of the shop. For the purposes of this example, we want to add a 'Display' attribute group to help our customers compare the differences between "aspect ratio" and "monitor size" attributes for our default laptop products in our store.

Creating an attribute and attribute group for Product Comparison

The first step is to create a broader attribute group to store our individual attributes, aspect ratio and monitor size. We will create 'Display' as our attribute group, under Catalog > Attributes > Attributes Groups.

Add Attribute group

The next step is to create the specific attributes, Aspect Ratio and Monitor Dimensions, with descriptions under Catalog > Attributes > Attributes.

Attribute edit

We type the name, Aspect Ratio, then assign it to the broader attribute group "Display". We assign 1 to sort order because we want this attribute to be above all the other attributes in the Display attribute group. When we click "Save", "Aspect Ratio" will be added to the attributes list. We create another attribute named "Monitor Dimensions", but we will change the sort order to 2, so that it appears below "Aspect Ratio" under Product Comparison.

Assigning the attributes to a product

Now that we have the attributes created, we need to edit the individual products to contain these attributes. To be consistent, we will add "Aspect Ratio" and "Monitor Dimensions" to all of our laptop products. We don't want a scenario where our customers need to compare different laptop products, but only one or two of our laptops has the "Aspect Ratio" listed to compare.

To add attributes directly to a product we go to Catalog > Products, and click edit for our HP laptop product. In the Attributes tab, we add the Aspect Ratio and Monitor Size attributes individually. The text description must be manually added, so we add 16:10 to "Aspect Ratio" and 19.3" x 27.2" to our monitor size. As seen below, when we start typing "Monitor", both the attribute group and attribute name is displayed in the drop down box.

product tab attribute

We will continue on by adding these two attributes individually to all of our laptop products.

Viewing the attributes in Product Comparison

In the store front we added the Sony VAIO and HP LP3065 laptops to our product comparison from their respective product pages. Under the Product Details we can see our Display attributes group (highlighted by the red box). Since we gave the group a sort order of 1 when we inserted it into the attribute group list, it was the first attribute group displayed. Within the "Display" group, our "Aspect Ratio" and "Monitor Size" attributes are listed according to their sorting order. The specific text we included in the attribute section under Products is shown under each respective product column.


Options in the administration

The Options section, under Catalog, lets you customize what details the customer sees when checking out a product. On the product page, the "Available Options" section is displayed under the price. The option for that product must be selected before the customer can add the product to the shopping cart.

The image below displays the default options, but you can choose to edit or delete any of them. Essentially, the options can be created to fit whatever added specifications are needed for the customer to purchase the product. The "Add New" button will direct you towards creating a new option.

The "Type" dropbox will show a variety of ways to display this option:

  • Choose: Select", Radio, Checkbox, Image"
  • Input: Text", Textarea
  • File: File"
  • Date: Date", Time", Date & Time"

For the "size" option, three option value's were created : "Small", "Medium", and "Large". Images could be added for the option, but since it is referring to size the option value name will suffice. If the option was "Color", having images of the color would be appropriate.

Adding options to products

To apply the options to a specific product, you will need to edit the Option tab under Catalog > Products. Options could to be created prior to adding a product, then added during product creation in the Options tab.



Manufacturers in the administration interface

The Manufacturer section is used to categorize products by manufacturer. This section can be accessed under Catalog > Manufacturers.

The Manufacturer names below came with the install. They can be deleted, and new manufacturer information can be added in its place. The manufacturer information should be created before products are added, so the manufacturer category can be selected when adding the product. Saving a product without including the manufacturer isn't advised, because customers can search for products in the store front through their manufacturer page. With the manufacturer missing from the product information, the product will not be available on those pages.

Create a manufacturer

To insert a new manufacturer, the following information is required:



Adding new downloads

This section is only applicable to you if you sell digital products, or products that have a downloadable component such as a PDF User Guide or similar. To insert a new download, you must give the downloadable product a name, upload the file, and set an allowance for the number of downloads per customer. The mask option allows the administrator to give the file a different visible filename. Press "Save" to submit the download information and save it.


With the download created, it must be manually added to the each individual product that the download will be included with. See Links to learn how to add a download to the product.

Download product link tab


Catalog → Reviews

Product reviews can be both submitted and viewed by customers on the product page. A customer can fill out a review form and submit it to be approved for publication on the site.

The result of a customer review approval can be seen in the screenshot below. Every review is made publicly available on the product's main page after administrative approval. The average rating per product is tabulated by Letscms and shown out of 5 stars under 'Available Options'.


Catalog → Informations

The Information section displays specific company information in the footer of every page. See Information for more information on the footer page.

The Information page can be found under Catalog > Information. On this page the administrator will have the option to edit, delete, or insert a new Information page.

When editing or inserting these pages a description may be added, pages enabled or disabled, and SEO keywords created. There is an option to remove the page from the bottom of the footer.


Managing customers

Shop owners should know who their customers are and how to manage their information. In the administration, customer information will need to be stored efficiently to remember any credits made with their account. To access customer information, you can log into the administration panel of the Letscms store. The Customer management sections are located under Customers. There are three sections used to manage customer information: Customers, Customer Groups, Custom Fields and Banned IP.


When a customer creates an account or completes the checkout process, Letscms will store their information automatically in the administration to be accessed under Sales > Customers > Customers. A complete list of customers will be displayed on this page, along with the following information:

  • Customer Name
  • E-mail: Saves the email address for confirmation emails, notifications, newsletters, etc.
  • Customer Group: A designated group of customers used to apply discounts/specials and send group emails.
  • Status: Denies or approves customer account login.
  • Approval: Approves the customer account after creation.
  • IP: An address that reveals the location of the customer.
  • Date Added: The date the customer account was created.

Searching for a customer

In the case of locating a specific customer, type in the necessary customer information in the spaces below. Clicking "Filter" will locate specific customers matching the information typed in. This saves you the time of sorting through pages of customers to find a specific person.

Manually adding a new customer

Customer accounts usually don't need to be created in the administration panel, since account information is stored automatically upon user creation in the store front. You might find yourself needing to manually input customer information into Customers. Clicking the "Add New" button on the Customer page will lead you to a form where customer information can be filled in.

General tab

The general tab asks for the customer's basic information: "First Name", "Last Name", "E-Mail", and "Telephone". A password must be submitted for the customer to access the site privately. Under "Confirm", retype the password. Enabling "Newsletter" will put this customer on the e-mail newsletter list. Later on, you can categorize this customer into a specific customer group. The customer will be categorized into "Default" if there isn't a defined customer group available. The status determines whether or not this customer will be allowed to access the store's login.

Customer general tab

Adding an address

Obtaining the customer's address is important for shipping products to the customer. Clicking the Green '+' button will add the "Address 1" address form. You may add as many addresses as needed with the green button, or remove them with the red '-' button. The "First Name", "Last Name", "Address 1", "City", "Postcode", "Country", and "Region/State" are required fields in the address form.

When the above fields have been filled in, click "Save" to save the form to the administration. You don't need to worry about the customer's IP address for keeping track of credits, unless you need to know your customer's regional location.

Customer address tab

Modifying existing customer information

The Customer section will mostly be used to modify existing customer information, for operations like changing the Customer Group, rather than adding a whole new customer. When editing customer information, you can modify general information, include new addresses, manage credits, and add reward points. Under Action, clicking "Edit" for a customer listed on the Customer page will direct you to the customer information page. You can change customer information in the General tab.

Managing credits

The Credits tab is where you may manually add a credit to the customer. To do so, enter in the description of the credit, the amount paid, and click "Add Credit". Every credit added will be listed in the Transaction tab.

IP Addresses

An IP Address will reveal the location of customer's computer network. There are many website services available to shop owners, that will give the location for an IP address.

Customer Groups

Customer Groups provide a greater organizational scheme for the customer list. This is helpful in selecting customer groups for discounted products and specials in the store; and for sending out emails to select customers.

The default customer group for Letscms is called "Default". To create a new customer group name, go to the Customers > Customer Groups page. Above the list, click the "Add New" button. You will be directed to a page where you can fill in information about the customer group. You can provide a "Customer Group Name" and a "Description" for the group. Within this group, you can approve or disapprove customers logins into their store account. There is also an option to allow the customer to select their company no. or Tax ID. The sorting number determines the position of this group among other customer groups.

Adding a customer group to a customer

In order to apply a customer group to a group of customers, each customer must be individually added to the group under Customers. To add a customer group, select the customer and click "Edit" under "Action". In the General tab there is a drop down selection for "Customer Group". Select the customer group and click "Save" at the top right corner.

Customer group

Custom Fields

This feature provides creating custom fields for customers on account and address pages. These fields can be categorized by the Location, it means the Account or Address page, and Customer Groups. In a word, when we create a new custom field we can set it for only 1 (one) group or a few groups or all of them.

Essentially, the fields can be created to fit whatever added specifications are needed for the customer. The "Add New" button will direct you towards creating a new field.

Field are divided into 4 types. The "Type" dropbox will show a variety of ways to display this field:

  • Choose: Select, Radio, Checkbox
  • Input: Text", Textarea
  • File: File"
  • Date: Date, Time, Date & Time
Custom field Custom field


Managing orders

When a customer goes through checkout, the information on their order is automatically transferred to the Orders section for you to keep track of. In the administration, you can view all of the orders made on their site, manually add orders, or edit the details of existing orders.

Viewing order details

The Orders section is located under Sales > Orders. On this page, every order ever made from the store is listed in detail.

The following details are displayed for each order on the list:

  • Order ID: a number assigned to an order by Letscms during the checkout confirmation
  • Customer: the name of the customer that made the order.
  • Status: update of the status of the order. After the order is initially created the status will be "Pending". The default options are Missing Orders, Canceled, Canceled Reversal, Chargeback, Complete, Denied, Expired, Failed, Pending, Processed, Processing, Refunded, Reversed, Shipped, and Voided.
  • Total: the total price of the order.
  • Date Added
  • Date Modified

With the orders included in the list, there is an option to edit, add new, delete, search, or print an invoice of an order.

Searching for an order

The "Filter" button under Action helps you find orders based on the information specified in the blanks. It can help you locate orders by date added or customer. The "Filter" cannot search for orders by product purchased yet. For more information on the Filter tool, see Filter.

Manually adding/modifying an order

Customer Orders will be automatically updated to the Order section after a customer confirms checkout. Though it is automatically updated, you may want to edit or add orders manually to add new information such as a gift-voucher, or add reward points. To manually add a new order, click the "Add New" button. To modify a pre-existing order, click "Edit" under Action.

Customer details

The first section for modifying an order is called Customer Details. Typing in a customer name that has already made an account with the store will auto-complete the form by bringing up their information to fill in the blanks.


In "Choose Product", begin typing the product name. A drop down list will appear with products containing that name. Selecting a product from this list will bring up specific product options for this order.


If a customer wants to add a gift voucher order, it will ask them for the following information.

Payment details

If an address has been added to the customer, select their address option under "Choose Address". Otherwise the customer address will need to be manually filled into the form.

Shipping details

This section tracks the shipping address for this particular order. If the shipping and payment address are the same, copy and paste the information above when adding it manually.


Under Totals, other contributing payment factors, such as coupons and vouchers, are added/subtracted to the order total.


Shipping and payment methods must already be set up to select a method in the order form. Otherwise, there will be nothing to select under Shipping Method and Payment Method.

The sections seen above (such as Coupon, Voucher, Rewards) are extensions that were enabled specifically for this form. There is an option to customize the order details included in the totals by editing, uninstalling, or enabling specific order total extensions.

Printing invoices

To print an invoice, go back to the Orders page under Sales > Orders. Above the order list on the top right corner is the "Print Invoice" button. Select the order to be printed, and click "Print Invoice". This action will direct you to a printable page of the invoice. The invoice can be printed out and included in with the shipping.

Order invoice


Invoice management

The Invoices section is located under Sales > Invoices. On this page, every invoice ever made from the store is listed in detail.

The following details are displayed for each return on the list:

  • Invoice ID: a number assigned to an invoice by Letscms during the invoice confirmation.
  • Invoice Date: the date when the invoice is created.
  • Order ID: a number assigned to an order by Letscms during the checkout confirmation.
  • Status: update of the status of the invoice. After the invoice is initially created the status will be "Pending". The default options are Missing Orders, Canceled, Canceled Reversal, Chargeback, Complete, Denied, Expired, Failed, Pending, Processed, Processing, Refunded, Reversed, Shipped, and Voided.
  • Total: the total price of the order.

Generating Invoices

The Invoices section under Sales > Invoices lets you manage merchandise invoices. Generating invoices is so easy. You can generate new invoices by using the "Generate" button in the right corner above the invoices list.

Invoice details

The following screenshot shows the details page of an invoice:

Order invoice


Viewing Product Returns details

The Returns section is located under Sales > Returns. On this page, every return ever made from the store is listed in detail.

The following details are displayed for each return on the list:

  • Return ID: a number assigned to a return by Letscms during the return confirmation.
  • Order ID: a number assigned to an order by Letscms during the checkout confirmation.
  • Customer: the name of the customer that made the order.
  • Product: the name of the product for the return.
  • Model: the model of the product.
  • Status: update of the status of the return. After the return is initially created the status will be "Pending". The default options are Awaiting Products, Complete, and Pending.
  • Date Added
  • Date Modified

Adding a new return

The Return section under Sales > Returns lets you manage merchandise returns. You must manually enter the product and return information to create a new return. To insert a new return, click the "Add New" button in the right corner above the returns list.

Return details

Filling in the Returns Details tab is the first step in creating a new return. The following details are required to fill out a return:

  • Order ID: the ID of the order that was returned.
  • Order Date: the date that order was made.
  • Customer
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • E-mail
  • Telephone


The Products section fills out more information about the product that was returned, and why it was returned. You will need to manually type in the product that the customer returned. Typing in "Apple" will bring up all the apple products in the store. We selected the Apple Cinema 30" from the drop down, and the "Model" space was auto-completed for us. You may also include the quantity, the return reason, whether or not the product was opened, the customer's comments, the return action (credit issued, refunded, replacement sent), and return status (awaiting products, complete, pending). The return status names can be added in the return statuses section.

Retun Retun

Gift Vouchers

Gift vouchers can be individually sent to customers through their email by other customers in the store front. The customer receiving the gift certificate can use the code provided in the email at the shopping cart to deduct the gift voucher amount from the order total. To manage the Gift Vouchers of the store, go to sale > Gift Vouchers > Gift Vouchers.

General tab

To create a new gift voucher, click "Add New". The following information will be needed:

  • Code: The code the customer must enter in the Shopping Cart to use the gift voucher.
  • From Name: The name of the person sending the gift certificate.
  • From E-Mail: The email of the person sending the gift certificate.
  • To Name: The name of the person receiving the gift certificate.
  • To E-Mail: The email of the person receiving the gift certificate.
  • Theme: The theme of the gift voucher email.
  • Message: A message added in the gift voucher email.
  • Amount: The amount of the gift certificate to be used in the store.
  • Status: Enables or disables the gift voucher.

Voucher history tab

The voucher history tab displays the use of the gift voucher code in the checkout. The Order ID, Customer Name, Amount, and Date Added will be displayed.

Voucher themes

The Voucher Themes section alters the image displayed in the email according to the theme. In the store front, customers purchasing the voucher for a person can choose a theme for voucher.

Emailing a gift voucher to a customer

Once a gift voucher has been created, you are responsible for sending out the email to the customer receiving the gift voucher. After you make sure the customer's email information has been filled out in the General Tab, you can send the email by clicking "Send" under "Action". If the email was sent, Letscms will display the message: "Success: Gift Voucher e-mail has been sent!".


Marketing Tracking

Letscms has a build-in module for creating tracking links for your marketing campaigns. Tracking links are links to your store which include a special tracking code. Any visit via your tracking links will be recorded in the Letscms admin dashboard so you can monitor your marketing campaigns traffic and conversion rate.

To create your first marketing tracking link, please login your Letscms admin dashboard and refer to the Marketing section via the main navigation menu.

From the Marketing Tracking List page click on the Add icon to proceed with the configuration of your tracking link. Here you need to configure several settings to create your link:

  • Campaign Name: Just any name to help you recognize the campaign for which your tracking code is created.
  • Campaign Description: Any internal note to help you distinguish your tracking link from the rest of your campaigns' links.
  • Tracking Code: This can be any random generated string. This string will be added to the end of your URL links.

Tracking Codes

To track your campaigns, the tracking code is added to the end of the URL leading to each marketing campaign. You can embed the code into each of the links you chose in your website.

When you are creating a banner for an advertising campaign in your website or another online media platform, you have to create a new marketing campaign. The new campaign will be used to track how many clicks you get and where they came from by embedding the tracking code in the link to the campaign.

Example. You start advertising in three different media platforms. You will need to add a new marketing campaign for each of them, with the name of each media platform you are advertising on. That way, you will track how many clicks you get from each of their websites. You simply give them the link with the embedded tracking code of each marketing campaign.

Marketing Tracking

Vivamus efficitur fringilla ullamcorper. Cras condimentum condimentum mauris, vitae facilisis leo. Aliquam sagittis purus nisi, at commodo augue convallis id. Sed interdum turpis quis felis bibendum imperdiet. Mauris pellentesque urna eu leo gravida iaculis. In fringilla odio in felis ultricies porttitor. Donec at purus libero. Vestibulum libero orci, commodo nec arcu sit amet, commodo sollicitudin est. Vestibulum ultricies malesuada tempor.


You may create and designate coupons to specific products or product categories under Marketing > Coupons. The Coupons page will display a list of all the coupons created in the administration.

General tab

Editing or inserting a coupon will lead the administrator to a form containing the following fields:

  • Coupon Name: A descriptive name for the coupon.
  • Code: A code that the customer needs to enter in the shopping cart to use the coupon in the store front.
  • Type: The discount can be a fixed amount off, or a percentage off from the total amount.
  • Discount: The number taken off from the purchase total.
  • Total Amount: The amount a customer must reach before using the coupon.
  • Customer Login: Selecting 'yes' requires the customer to be logged into their store account to use the coupon. Selecting 'no' will let a customer use the coupon as a guest.
  • Free Shipping: Selecting 'yes' gives the customer free shipping for using the discount code.
  • Products: Individual products can be selected by entering in the product name in the space provided. To remove a product from the discount, click the red minus button in the product list below it.
  • Category: Selecting a product category will apply the discount to all products within that category. See Categories for more information on how to create a new product category.
  • Date Start: The first day that the discount can be used.
  • Date End: The last day the discount can be used.
  • Uses per Coupon: Limits how many times the coupon can be used by customers.
  • Uses per Customer: Limits how many times a specific customer can use the coupon.
  • Status: Enables or disables the coupon for use in the store front.

Coupon history

The Coupon History tab list all the uses of this coupon in the store. The following information about each use will be displayed:

  • OrderID
  • Customer
  • DateAdded
  • Amount


Emailing a customer group

The Mail system in Letscms lets you send emails to specific customer groups. You can use this feature to send newsletters, information on specials, or to communicate any type of store information to select groups of customers. Customer groups are especially useful in emailing specific groups of people instead of every customer stored in the administration. For more information on how to create a customer group, see Customer Groups. The Mail page can be accessed from Marketing > Mail.




Layout Manager allows you to create new layouts or edit/delete existing layouts.Positioning a module in content top, bottom, column left or right has never been easier.



Banners are pictures containing linkable images displayed in the store's store front. Banners can be utilized to catch the customer's eye and direct them to special products in the store. The Banners page under

Design > Banners

lets you customize the images and links displayed on the banners.

Using banners in modules

The Modules section uses banners for two modules: Carousel and Banners. The Banners section lets you customize what page layout the banner will be included, and its position. The Carousel module acts like a slideshow, or carousel. The customer can click an arrow to look through a range of product images.

If you want to create a new carousel banner displaying all the manufacturer logos, you need to go to Appearance > Banners, and click "Add New". After coming up with a banner name for later reference, you would to click "Add Banner" to add a new icon to the banner. The following fields are needed to add a new icon to the banner:

  • Title when the customer hovers their mouse over the icon, the title will be displayed.
  • Link the address of the page that the customer will be directed to when clicking on the icon in the banner. In this case, you would want to link the image to a banner page. The link doesn't need the "" portion of the link.
  • Image add an image using the Image Manager.
  • Localisation


    Languages can be set up from Localisation > Languages page. The following information will be needed to save the language:

    • Name: The name in native language.
    • Code: The ISO language code. W3Schools has a complete list of ISO codes.
    • Image: The image used to represent the language, that will be displayed in the header area of the store.
    • Directory: The folder name is based on language tags. They are composed of 2 parts: language-COUNTRY.
    • Status: Enables or disables the language in the store front.
    • Sort Order: Determines the position of the language among multiple languages in the header.

    Language determination in store front

    Letscms will try to determine the store front language based on the visitor's browser settings and your installed languages. If not able to match, the one set from the Settings > Local page will be loaded as per default.


    The currency sections lets you select which currencies are available for use in store front. The default currency will display all the product prices in that currency. The currency preference can be changed by the customer in the header section of any page in the front office.

    In the store below, we have enabled the Euro, Pound, and US Dollar.

    The following information is needed about a currency to add it to your store:

    • Currency Title
    • Code: The ISO code for the currency. Currency codes can be looked up at this currency converter.
    • Symbol Left: Adds a currency symbol to the left of the code.
    • Symbol Right: Adds a currency symbol to the right of the code.
    • Decimal Places: The amount of decimal places displayed in the price of the store front.
    • Value: The Default currency will be set to a value of 1. Every value of currency will be relative to this value. Since the US Dollar is 1.0 (the default), the Euro is tabulated to .81 for the value based on its worth. When Letscms transitions between currencies in the store front, it will use the value number to calculate the prices of products in that new currency. Letscms will update the currency values in the Local Tab under store settings if Auto Update Currency is enabled. Visit Settings for more information.
    • Status: Enables or disables the currency in the store front.

    Stock Statuses

    In this section you may create Out of Stock statuses to be displayed on the product page when a product is out of stock. The stock status name is arbitrary.

    The default stock status for Out of Stock products can be edited under the option tab in Settings. The specific Out of Stock Status for a product can be edited in the Data tab in Products.

    Stock status

    Order statuses

    Similar to the stock status, when an order is confirmed by the customer they will need to see an order status. The order status can be accessed from their account page in the store front. After the order status names are created, they can be selected under Orders.


    The Returns section allows you to create the return statuses, return actions, and return reason names that may be selected in return requests. See Returns for more information on how these return names are used.


    253 countries are stored in the Country section with the Letscms installation. These countries can be used to estimate shipping and taxes when a customer enters in their location. Each country can be individually disabled, removing them from the store front, by editing them. The countries can be deleted as well. The only issue with deletion of a country is that the country information will be deleted with it. If you wanted to make that country available for shipping, you would have to re-enter the country's information; whereas enabling a disabled country is easier.


    4031 zones are included with install. Zones are specific regions of countries, such as a state or province. Creating zones helps estimate taxes and shipping in the store front.


    Geo Zones

    Geo zones are customized zones used in calculating shipping and taxes. Multiple countries and zones can be added to one geo zone to customize shipping methods.

    The geo zone below is used to combine the west cost states of the United States into one zone. The west coast of the US consists of California, Oregon, and Washington states. Each individual state is added by selecting the Country, Zone, then clicking "Add Geo Zone".


    The Taxes section in Localisation allows the administrator to create the taxes that will be applied to specific products in the store.

    Tax rates

    The tax rate will be used to calculate the taxes from an order. The following information is needed to save a tax rate to the administration:

    • Tax Name: A name for the tax that will be displayed in the store front when taxes are added to order total.
    • Tax Rate: A number value for the tax.
    • Type: Determines whether the number value in Tax Rate is a fixed amount or a percentage of the total amount of an order.
    • Customer Group: Selecting a customer group will add this tax to all the customers within this group. Multiple customer groups can be selected at once.
    • Geo Zone: Selecting a Geo Zone will apply the tax to the regions and countries within a Geo Zone.
    Tax rate

    Tax class

    Tax classes can store multiple tax rates into one category. The taxes can be customized to calculate the taxes based on the payment address (customer) or the store's address. Tax classes require the following information:

    • Tax Class Title
    • Description
    • Tax Rate: selecting "Add Rule" will add a tax rate that was created in Tax Rates. Base On requires either the payment address or the store address to be selected. This will determine the amount of tax added to the shopping cart total in the store front. Priority determines the position of the tax rate if other tax rates are listed with it.
    Tax rate

    Length Classes

    Length classes are used to assign length specifications to products in the Data tab. The values added to products will be displayed in the product page in the store front. The following information is required to create a new length class:

    • Length title: The name of the length measurement, (i.e. Centimeter)
    • Length unit: The units of measurement (i.e. cm)
    • Value: Set 1 for the default value. Every value added to other lengths, such as km, will need to be relative to that. There are 10 mm in one 1cm, so the value of mm would be set to 10.

    Weight Classes

    Similar to length classes, weight classes are used to assign weight specifications to products in the Data tab. The following information is required to create a new weight class:

    • Weight title: The name of the weight measurement (i.e. Kilogram)
    • Weight unit: The unites of measurement (i.e. kg)
    • Value: Set 1 for the default value.Every value added to other weights, such as g, will need to be relative to that value. There are 1000 g in 1 kg, so the value of g would be set to 1000.



    Settings can be accessed under the System menu tab in the administration. The Settings page lets you manage stores and their individual settings.

    Editing a store's settings

    Store settings can be accessed under System > Settings. If this is the administrator's first time in the Settings area, there will only be one store named Your Store (Default). Clicking "Edit" under "Action" will direct you to a series of tabs containing the default settings of the store.

    • General
    • Store
    • Local
    • Option
    • Image
    • Mail
    • Server

    Store Tab

    The general tab under Settings displays the following fields:

    • Store URL: The url of the store. Remember to include the 'http:' in the beginning and a '/' at the end.
    • Store Name: The name of the store. This information will be displayed in the Contact Us page under the Customer Service section of the footer.
    • Store Owner: The name used in the "From:" section of any email sent from the store.
    • Address: The address of the store. This information will be displayed in the Contact Us page under the Customer Service section of the footer.
    • E-mail: The store owner's email, or general email for the store, to be used for email notifications sent by Arastta.
    • Telephone: A telephone number for the store. This information will be displayed in the Contact Us page under the Customer Service section of the footer.
    • Fax (optional): A fax number for the store. This information will be displayed in the Contact Us page under the Customer Service section of the footer.

    Local tab

    The local tab under Settings displays the following fields:

    • Country: The country the store is located in.
    • Region/State: The region or state the store is located in.
    • Language: The language that the store front will be displayed in.
    • Administration Language: The language that the administration of the store will be displayed in.
    • Currency: The default currency prices will be displayed in.
    • Auto Update Currency: Updates the conversion rate between different currencies daily.
    • Length Class: The units that product lengths will be displayed in.
    • Weight Class: The units that product weights will be displayed in.

    Option Tab

    The option tab under settings displays the following fields: Common, Products, Vouchers, Taxes, Account, Checkout, Stock, Affiliates, Returns:

    • Category Product Count: Selecting 'Yes' will display how many products are available within each subcategory of the parent categories located in the Top Menu.
    • Default Items Per Page (Catalog): Determines how many catalog items are shown per page (products, categories, etc).
    • List Description Limit (Catalog): In the list view, short description character limit (categories, special etc).
    • Default Items Per Page (Admin): Determines how many admin items are shown per page (orders, customers, etc).

    Image Tab

    The Image tab under Settings customizes the default images for the store:

    • Store Logo: Upload a store logo from the store or the admin's computer using Image Manager.
    • Icon: Upload a favicon for the store using Image Manager.
    • Image Sizes: Lets you customize the pixel width by length for specific images in the store front.
    Image Tab Image Tab

    Mail Tab

    The mail tab under Settings displays the following fields:

    • Mail Protocol: Lets you choose between sending mail to the host's email, or through an SmyP. You should contact your shop's hosting provider to see if configure mail. If not, you need to use a SmyP, such as gmail.
    • Sendmail Path: Enter the path to the Sendmail program directory on the host server.
    • SmyP Host: The address of the smyp host.
    • SmyP Username: The full email address for the SmyP host
    • SmyP Password
    • SmyP Port: The port number provided by the SmyP host.
    • SmyP Security: Select the security method that your SmyP server uses.
    • Additional Alert E-mails: List any additional e-mails that should also receive the notification emails above.
    Mail Tab Mail Tab

    Server Tab

    The server tab under Settings displays the following fields:

    • Use SSL: Enable HTTPS on your store. This requires a valid SSL certificate installed on your webserver.
    • Used Shared Sessions: Enables session information stored from the shopping cart to be shared between multiple domains/stores.
    • Robots: Add or remove bot user agents from accessing shared sessions.
    • Use SEO URL's: Enable Arastta's SEO keyword functionality for information, category, manufacturer and product pages. This requires a correct .htaccess file.
    • Allowed File Extensions: Add or remove the file formats that can be uploaded to your store's server.
    • Allowed Mime Types: Add or remove allowed mime types.
    • Allow Forgotten Password: Allows admin to request a new password if it is forgotten.
    • Maintenance Mode: Restrict viewing your store front to logged in admin users while you make changes to your store.
    • Encryption Key: Enter a combination of numbers and letters to encrypt private information.
    • Outpout Compression Level: The level of HTTP compresion to be used in your HTTP headers.
    • Display Errors: Whether to display the PHP errors, warnings and notices produced by your store. This should be set to "No" for a live store.
    • Log Errors: Whether to log PHP errors, warnings and notices produced by your store.
    • Error Log Filename: If Log Errors is set to "Yes", the file where errors will be logged.
      • Mail Tab Mail Tab Mail Tab


    Letscms allows for multi-store management using only one installation. With Multi-Store, you can launch hundreds of online stores using a single integrated system. You can create unique online stores for multiple brands, product sets, B2B, B2C, affiliates, franchises, employee stores, co-branded stores and more. You can also quickly launch micro-stores for promotional campaigns. Best of all, every online store shares a single database.

    This page allow you store owners to see the list of stores and manage them one by one.



    Managing the in's and out's of the admin side of an online store can be quite the task for just one person to handle. You may find it necessary to assign administration side permissions to specific people on your team. The User section lets you customize which users can access the admin side of the store, and what sections can be accessed or modified by them.

    With the user groups set up, the individual users can be saved to the administration side of your store under System → Users → Users. Clicking "Add New" will bring you to the user form below. Aside from the basic user information, a password must be created for the user to login to the dashboard. The User Group selected from the drop down box will assign specific permissions to the user. The status lets you choose to enable the user to be able to login, or disable the user from logging in to the dashboard.

    User Groups

    Before you begin creating user profiles, you should visit System → Users → User Groups to set specific access and modification permissions. Also you can hide or show dasboard modules from the General tab for each group.

    For the Co-worker group, we chose to allow access and permit modification to the Catalog Section only, but not the rest of the admin panel.

    Letscms provides only one user group installed into the admin side, named Administrator. The Administrator has every box checked under Access Permission and Modify Permission. It is an intuitive step that users assigned to the Administrator position would need access to all of the admin pages and permission to modify these sections. You can choose to leave the group unchanged, or unselect categories for this group.

    You can create multiple user groups, for example Demonstration user group. The Demonstration user group may not have any admin pages checked in Access Permission or Modify Permission, meaning users added in this group will not be able to access the admin side or modify any features of the shop.


    Application Programming Interface

    Here you can get general information about the API.


    Also, API allows store admins to manage all "Cart" processes from admin panel. For example:

    1. New Order
    2. Edit Order
    3. Order Status Change

    Create new API item

    Under System menu, click on the API menu to open API management page.

    Setting menu

    If you already have an API generated, you can see it on this page listed. Click on the pen icon to edit your API details. You can enable or disable any API items or edit its username and password.

    To generate a new API item, click on the plus icon at the top-right of the page.


    Fill in the Username and Password fields and make sure that you have enabled the API item. Click on the save button.

    If you want Letscms to generate a complicated password for you, you can click on the Generate button and a password will be generated and auto-populated in the Password field.

    Letscms allows you to create new APIs for Multi-Store websites. You should choose the API from "System > Setting > Edit > Option (tab)", after that API will be valid for the store.

    setting option tab