Blog Module for Magento 2 - Documentation


  • The Blog Module for Magento 2 enhances your online store with a powerful blogging platform. It enables you to create, manage, and publish engaging content that drives traffic, improves SEO rankings, and fosters customer engagement. Designed with flexibility and ease of use in mind, this module integrates seamlessly with Magento, offering features such as category management, SEO optimization, and multi-store support.


  • This document provides a detailed guide to the Blog Module, covering its key features, installation process, configuration options, and use cases. Whether you're a developer or a store owner, this guide will help you maximize the module's potential to meet your business goals.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive blog management tools.
  • Advanced SEO features for improved search visibility.
  • Responsive design for a seamless user experience.
  • Multi-store support for tailored content.


  • This documentation is structured to guide you through:
    • Installing and uninstalling the module.
    • Configuring the module to align with your store's requirements.
    • Utilizing key features effectively to achieve your objectives.
    • Troubleshooting common issues.

    Features Overview

    Blog Management

    • Create, Edit, and Delete Blog Posts:Easily manage your blog content with a user-friendly interface
    • Track Post Views and Engagement:Gain insights into post performance with tracking metrics.
    • Schedule Posts:Plan ahead by scheduling posts for future publication dates.

    Category Management

    • Create and Assign Categories:Organize posts into categories for better navigation.
    • SEO-Friendly URLs:Improve search engine rankings with optimized category URLs.

    Comment System

    • Enable/Disable Comments:Control whether comments are allowed on a per-post basis.
    • Manage Comments:Approve, enable, or disable comments to maintain quality and relevance.

    SEO Features

    • Custom Meta Titles, Descriptions, and Keywords:Enhance visibility in search results for posts and categories.
    • Canonical URLs:Prevent duplicate content issues with canonical URL support.

    Frontend Features

    • Responsive Blog Layout:Ensure a seamless experience for mobile and desktop users.
    • Pagination:Simplify navigation with paginated blog posts.
    • Related Posts:Showcase related posts or posts from the same category to keep readers engaged.

    Media Management

    • Integration with Magento Media Gallery: Simplify the addition and management of media assets in posts.

    Multi-Store Support

    • Store-Specific Content: Customize blog content for different stores within your Magento instance.



    • Before starting the installation, ensure that your Magento environment meets the following prerequisites:


    • Before starting the installation, ensure that your Magento environment meets the following prerequisites:
    System Requirements:
    • PHP Version: 7.4 or higher is recommended.
    • Composer: Must be installed for dependency management.
    • Database Backup: Backup your database and files to prevent data loss during installation..

    Magento 2 module installation. Here's a detailed guide on how to proceed:

    Magento 2 module Installation

    Step 1:Extract the Zip File:
    • Extract the contents of the zip file to a temporary directory on your computer.
    Step 2: Copy Files to Magento Root Directory:
    • Copy all files and folders from the extracted zip file.
    • Paste the copied files into the Upload the extracted files to the app/code/Letscms/Blog directory in your Magento root.
    Step 3: Open Terminal or CMD:
    • Change your working directory to the Magento root directory using the following command:
    • you need to run the following commands to install and activate the module:

      php bin/magento setup:upgrade
      php bin/magento setup:di:compile
      php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
      php bin/magento cache:clean

    Verify Installation:

    • php bin/magento module:status
    • Log into your Magento Admin Panel.
    • Navigate toMagento Admin Panel Menu > Content > Letscms Blog


    • Permissions Issue: Ensure the app/code directory and its contents have the correct permissions set for your web server user.
    • Magento Cache: If you encounter issues, try clearing Magento caches and reindexing:

      php bin/magento indexer:reindex
      php bin/magento cache:clean


    Manage Post

    post Letscms blog page
  • Go to Content > Letscms Blog Section > Posts
  • Show Listing On Posts
  • Post Details:
    1. Title
    2. URL Slug:
    3. Meta Keywords:
    4. Craeted At date
    5. Modified At date
    6. Action: Edit
  • post Letscms blog page

    Step-by-Step Guide to Add a New Blog Post:

    • Name:
      • Enter the title of your blog post. This is a required field and will be displayed as the main heading on the blog page.
    • URL Key:
      • This is the URL-friendly version of your post name. Magento will auto-generate this based on the post name, but you can modify it for SEO optimization and readability.
    • Thumbnail Image:
      • Upload an image that will serve as the thumbnail for the blog post. Click on Upload to select an image from your local computer or use the Select from Gallery option to pick an image from the Magento Media Gallery.
    • Category:
      • Select a category for the blog post. Categories help organize posts and improve navigation. If you haven’t created categories yet, you can add them under the Blog Management section.
    • Short Description:
      • Provide a brief summary or excerpt of the post. This description is typically shown in the blog's listings or previews.
    • Contents:
      • Here you can add the main content of your blog post. You can use the visual editor to add text, images, or other media. Additionally, the Page Builder option allows for a more customizable layout using drag-and-drop elements like rows, columns, or blocks.
    • Meta Description:
      • Enter a custom meta description for your post. This is important for SEO purposes and will be shown in search engine results.
    • Keywords:
      • Add keywords that are relevant to the blog post's content. These keywords will assist with SEO ranking and help search engines find and categorize your post.
    • Store View:
      • Choose the store view for which the post is intended (in case you have multiple stores in Magento). You can publish posts for specific stores or all stores.
    • Publish At:
      • Choose the date and time you would like the post to be published. This allows you to schedule posts in advance.
    • Publish:
      • Once you have filled in all the necessary details, click the Publish button at the top-right corner to make the post live. If you want to save it as a draft, you can click Save instead.

    Manage Categories

    category Letscms ProductAttachment page
  • Go to Content > Letscms Blog Section > Categories
  • Show Listing On Categories
  • Categories Details:
    1. Category Name
    2. URL Slug:
    3. Meta Keywords:
    4. Craeted At date
    5. Action: Edit
  • category Letscms blog page

    Step-by-Step Guide to Add a New Blog Categories:

    • Category Name:
      • Enter the Category Name This is a required field
    • URL Key:
      • This is the URL-friendly version of your Category name. Magento will auto-generate this based on the Category name, but you can modify it for SEO optimization and readability.
    • Meta Description:
      • Enter a custom meta description for your Category. This is important for SEO purposes and will be shown in search engine results.
    • Keywords:
      • Add keywords that are relevant to the blog Category's content. These keywords will assist with SEO ranking and help search engines find and categorize your Category.
    • Store View:
      • Choose the store view for which the Category is intended (in case you have multiple stores in Magento). You can publish Category for specific stores or all stores.

    Manage Comment

    commit Letscms ProductAttachment page
  • Navigate to Content > Blog Comments.
  • Show Listing On Categories
  • Categories Details:
    1. Name
    2. Email:
    3. Post Name:
    4. Comment
    5. Status
    6. Action: Edit
    7. Craeted At date

  • Frontend Functionality

    Letscms blog page

    Responsive Blog Layout:

    • Description: The blog layout is fully responsive, meaning it adapts to different screen sizes. Whether users visit the blog from a desktop, tablet, or mobile device, they will have a seamless and optimized viewing experience.
    • Features:
      • Fluid grid system that adjusts content size for different devices.
      • Images, text, and media are automatically resized for mobile devices..
      • The layout ensures that blog posts are legible and easy to navigate, regardless of screen size.


    • Description: Pagination allows users to easily navigate through multiple blog posts across several pages.
    • Fluid grid system that adjusts content size for different devices.
    • Features:
      • The module automatically breaks up large numbers of blog posts into pages for better navigation.
      • Options for next and previous buttons, as well as numbered pages, enable users to jump between blog pages.
      • Configure the number of posts displayed per page in the backend settings.

    Related Posts:

    • Description: The blog module allows for the display of related blog posts, which are either from the same category or based on content relevance.
    • Features:
      • Same Category: Displays posts from the same category to keep readers engaged with similar content.
      • Automatic Related Posts: The system can automatically suggest related posts based on keywords or topics.

    Search Functionality:

    • Description: Users can search for blog posts based on titles, or content
    • Features:
      • A dedicated search bar on the blog page allows users to find content quickly.
      • Search results are filtered based on relevance, showing posts containing the searched terms in titles, content, or metadata.
      • The search also includes the ability to filter by categories or tags.

    Uninstallation Guide

    To remove the module, run the following commands:

  • you need to run the following commands to install and activate the module:

    php bin/magento module:disable Letscms_Blog
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
    php bin/magento cache:flush