
Magento 2 module installation. Here's a detailed guide on how to proceed:

Magento 2 module Installation

Step 1:Extract the Zip File:
  • Extract the contents of the zip file to a temporary directory on your computer.
Step 2: Copy Files to Magento Root Directory:
  • Copy all files and folders from the extracted zip file.
  • Paste the copied files into the app/code directory inside your < Magento root directory> app/code does not exist, create it.
Step 3: Open Terminal or CMD:
  • Change your working directory to the Magento root directory using the following command:
  • you need to run the following commands to install and activate the module:

    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
    php bin/magento cache:clean

Verify Installation:

  • php bin/magento module:status


  • Permissions Issue: Ensure the app/code directory and its contents have the correct permissions set for your web server user.
  • Magento Cache: If you encounter issues, try clearing Magento caches and reindexing:

    php bin/magento indexer:reindex
    php bin/magento cache:clean


Navigate to the Module Configuration:

  • Go to LETSCMS Binary Plan > Binary Configuration.

  • General Settings

    binary mlm General page
  • Go to Letscms Binary Plan > Binary Configuration > General and update general settings for defaults.
  • Fill all given fields
  • Enable binary plan : set "YES" to binary plan features will be available to users.
  • Order Status : Setting this to "Complete" means that commissions will be calculated only after an order is fully processed and shipped.
  • Level : is maximum number of level user can get level commission.A setting of 4 means commissions can be distributed down to four levels of referrals.
  • Pair Counting Based On: This determines which type of user (e.g., "Referrals," "Children") is considered when counting pairs for commission eligibility. For       instance, if set to "Referrals," only users who were referred will be counted for pairing.
  • Matching Counting Based On : aSimilar to pair counting, this setting defines which user type is counted for calculating matching bonuses. For example,       this is set to "Referrals," the matching bonus will only consider referrals for its calculations.
  • Pair Left Users Count pecifies the minimum number of users required on the left leg of a distributor's binary tree to qualify for commission payouts.        example, if set to 2, a distributor needs at least two users on their left side to earn commissions.
  • Pair Right Users Count : his setting works the same way as the left leg count but applies to the right leg. If set to 1, it means a distributor only needs      
  • Min Withdrawal : This sets a threshold for how much a user must earn before they can request a withdrawal. If set to 1, users can withdraw as soon as they accumulate at least 1 unit of currency.
  • Max Withdrawal : This sets a cap on the maximum amount a user can withdraw in a single transaction. For example, if set to 10000, no user can withdraw more than this amount at one time.
  • Withdrawal Fee Amount : Specifies the fee charged for each withdrawal request. If set to 5, that amount will be deducted from the user's withdrawal total.
  • Withdrawal Fee Type : withdrawal processing deduction type (percentage/fixed)

  • Eligibility Settings

    Eligibility page
  • Go to Letscms Binary Plan > Binary Configuration > Eligibility and update eligibility settings for defaults.
  • Fill given fields
  • Min Left Direct Referral: This setting specifies the minimum number of direct referrals required on the left side (leg) of the binary tree for a member to be eligible for certain bonuses or commissions.
  • Min Right Direct Referral: Similarly, this defines the minimum number of direct referrals required on the right side (leg) of the binary tree.

  • Payout Settings

    binary mlm payout
  • Go to Letscms Binary Plan > Binary Configuration > Payout Settings and update bonus settings for defaults.
  • Fill all given fields
  • Company Commission Amount : This field specifies the commission amount that the company will earn when a user completes their first order.
  • Company Commission Type: Determines how the commission amount is calculated. There are two types:
    1. Percentage: The company earns a percentage of the total order amount.
    2. Fixed: The company earns a fixed amount per order.
  • Company Commission:This is the commission amount that the root member of the network (e.g., the top-level user or network owner) will receive
            from each order, based on the configuration.
  • Commission: This is the commission the root member receives whenever a new user completes their first order.

  • Join Commission Amount:The amount of commission given to a new user for their first order.
  • Join Commission Type: Defines how the join commission amount is calculated
    1. Percentage: The commission is a percentage of the first order amount.
    2. Fixed: The commission is a fixed amount.
  • Join Commission : commission is the commision that get to the new registered user one time only when joined the network. it is discount to new memeber but in the form of commision

  • Affiliate/Referral Commission Amount:The commission amount awarded to the affiliate or referrer when their direct downline places their first order.
  • Affiliate/Referral Commission Type Specifies how the affiliate or referral commission is calculated
    1. Percentage: The commission is a percentage of the first order amount.
    2. Fixed: The commission is a fixed amount.
  • Affiliate/Referral Commission : is commision to the sponsor based on configuration but only one time when the first order is placed by the direct downliner

  • Pair Commission Amount: In a binary MLM plan, members earn a commission based on the sales generated by a "pair" of members – one on the left              leg and one on the right leg.
  • Pair Commission Amount Type: Defines how the Pair Commission amount is calculated.
    1. Percentage: If the left leg generates $700 and the right leg generates $800, the commission is 10% of the lesser amount (i.e., $700), which gives a $70 commission
    2. Fixed: If the pair commission is a fixed $20, the member will receive $20 for each completed pair, regardless of the sales amount.
  • Carry Forward Remaining Users for PairingThis setting decides whether to carry forward unpaired members to the next payout period. If "Yes,"        unmatched members will be held over until a new recruit arrives to complete the pair.
  • Matching CommissionA bonus paid to members based on the earnings of their direct recruits (downline). It incentivizes members to help their recruits generate more sales and grow their network.
  • Matching Commission Type: Defines how the Matching Commission amount is calculated.
    1. Percentage: If a downline member earns $400, the upline member receives 10%, which is $40.
    2. Fixed: If the matching commission is a fixed $25, the member will receive $25 regardless of how much their downline earns.
  • Carry Forward Remaining Amount for Matching:This setting decides whether any unearned portion of the matching commission is carried forward to the next payout period.
  • Service Charge Amount:The amount deducted as a service charge for each payout.
  • Service Charge Amount Type: Defines how the service charge amount is calculated.
    1. Percentage: The service charge is a percentage of the total commissions and bonuses.
    2. Fixed: The service charge is a fixed amount per payout.
  • TDS (Tax Deducted at Source):The amount of tax to be deducted from the payout as per the applicable tax laws.
  • TDS Charge Amount Type: TDS Charge Amount Type:
    1. Percentage: The TDS is a percentage of the total commissions and bonuses.
    2. Fixed: The TDS is a fixed amount.

  • Level Commission

    binary mlm Level Commission
  • Go to Letscms Binary Plan > Binary Configuration > Level Commission and update level commission settings for defaults.
  • Fill given fields
  • Level Name : Enter the name or label for each level. This helps in identifying and distinguishing between different levels of commission.
  • Amount : Enter the commission amount that should be rewarded for the respective level. This can be a fixed amount or a percentage based on the total order amount.
  • Commission Type : Determines how the commission amount is calculated. There are two types:
    1. Percentage: commission is calculated as a percentage of the total order amount. For example, if the commission type is set to percentage and the percentage is 5%, and the total order amount is $200, then the commission amount would be $10 (5% of $200).
    2. Fixed: The commission is a fixed amount regardless of the order amount. For example, if the commission type is fixed and the amount is $20, then $20 will be awarded for that level regardless of the total order amount.
  • Example
    1. Level 1:
      • Level Name:: Bronze
      • Amount: 5% (Commission Type: Percentage)
        • Explanation: For each order placed by a member on Level 1, the commission awarded will be 5% of the total order amount. If the order amount is $100, the commission will be $5.
    2. Level 2:
      • Level Name:: Silver
      • Amount: $4 (Commission Type: Fixed)
        • Explanation: For each order placed by a member on Level 2, the commission awarded will be a fixed amount of $4, regardless of the total order amount.

    Bonus Settings

     binary mlm Bonus_page
  • Go to Letscms Binary Plan > Binary Configuration > Bonus and update bonus settings for defaults.
  • Fill all given fields
  • Direct Referrals : Enter the minimum number of direct referrals required. This ensures that only users with a significant network can earn bonuses.
  • Amount : Enter the amount of the bonus in this field. This amount can be a fixed sum or a percentage, depending on the Comm. Type.
  • Commission Type : Determines how the commission amount is calculated. There are two types:
    1. Percentage: The bonus is calculated as a percentage of the total earned commission.
    2. Fixed: The bonus is a fixed amount regardless of the total earned commission
  • Example
    1. Fixed Bonus Example:
      • Direct Referrals: 3
      • Amount: $8
      • Comm. Type: Fixed
        • Explanation: A user with at least 3 direct referrals will receive a $100 bonus. This bonus is a fixed amount, regardless of the total earned commission.
    2. Percentage Bonus Example:
      • Direct Referrals: 6
      • Amount: 7%
      • Comm. Type: Percentage
        • Explanation: A user with at least 6 direct referrals will receive a bonus equal to 7% of their total earned commission. For example, if the total earned commission is $1,000, the bonus would be $70 (7% of $1,000).

    Note : user can get multiple time bonus based on sale of downliners.

    Email Settings

    binary mlm Email
  • Go to Letscms Binary Plan > Binary Configuration > Eligibility and update eligibility settings for defaults.
  • Fill given fields
  • From Name:Enter the name you want to display as the sender of the emails. This helps recipients recognize who the email is from.
  • From Email:Enter the email address you want to use for sending out emails. Ensure this email address is valid and monitored, especially if you expect replies.
    • Example: or
  • Email Templates Settings : have created default templates with template variables, please create new templates using them and change the content        of template as you wish and assign the new template instead of default template. to create a new template go to Marketing > Email Template.

  • Binary Product

    Creating a Binary Product

    To configure a product as a Binary product, follow these steps:

    Navigate to Product Management:
  • Go to Catalog > Products in the Magento Admin Panel.
  • Select or Create a Product:
    binary mlm product
  • In the product edit page, scroll down to the General section or similar, depending on your Magento version and customizations.
  • Find the field or checkbox labeled Is Binary Product.
  • Set this field to True or check the checkbox to enable it.
  • Save the Product::
  • After enabling the Is Binary Product option and making any other necessary adjustments, click Save to apply the changes.
  • Search for Binary Product

  • Ensure the search functionality works for binary products.
  • Search for “your binary product name ” and “ etc binary product ”.
  • binary mlm product

    Create First/Root Customer

    Creating a Binary Product

    Navigate to LETSCMS Binary Plan:
  • Go to Letscms Binary in the Admin Panel menu.
  • Click on Create Root Customer.
  • binary mlm product

    Run Payout

    Payout Commissions

  • Ensure that the commissions calculated for payout are accurate before executing the payout process.
  • binary mlm payout

    Payout Bonuses

  • Confirm that the bonuses due for payout are correct and aligned with the company's bonus structure.
  • binary mlm payout

    Run Payout

  • Ensure that the total amounts of commissions and bonuses are correct before proceeding with the actual payout.
  • binary mlm payout

    Note : Don't Forgot to select website each time whenever checking payout details or running payout. !!


  • To enable the admin to view and manage the hierarchical structure of binary customers, providing insights into their network and structure.
  • Navigate to Genealogy
  • go to Letscms Binary Plan > Genealogy to access the genealogy management section.
  • binary mlm Genealogy
    Viewing the Genealogy Tree
    1. Navigating the Tree:
      • Zoom and Pan: zoom and pan features to get a closer look at specific areas of the tree or to view larger sections.
      • Expand/Collapse Nodes: Click on nodes to expand or collapse branches of the tree. This helps in focusing on specific parts of the network or simplifying the view.
    2. Tree View Overview:
      • Tree Structure: Genealogy section displays a visual tree view of the binary customers, showing their hierarchical relationships within the system.
      • Nodes and Links: Each node on the tree represents a customer or affiliate, and lines or links between nodes illustrate the relationships or downlines.


    Customer Reports
  • view, filter, and manage customer information, including details on referrals, transactions, withdrawals, and payouts.
  • Navigate to Customer Reports:
  • go to Letscms Binary Plan > Customer Reports to access the list of customers.
  • binary mlm customer
    View the List of Customers:
  • Click the View button to access detailed information about a customer’s referrals, transactions, withdrawals, and payouts.
  • binary mlm customer

    Payout Report

  • view detailed customer payout information, and analyze payout data effectively.
  • Navigate to Payout Reports:
  • go to Letscms Binary Plan > Payout Reports to access the list of master payouts
  • binary mlm customer

    View the List of Customers:

  • The Payout Report page To check customers payouts click on view List button from payout row, here you can check list of customers payout.
  • binary mlm customer

    Viewing Customer Payouts

  • customer payout details click on view details button from payout row, here you can check customers payout full details.
  • binary mlm customer

    Withdrawals Report

  • view, manage, and update withdrawal requests, including ensuring that withdrawal details are correctly reflected in the bank details system.
  • Navigate to Withdrawals List:
  • go to Letscms Binary Plan > Withdrawals List to access the list of withdrawal requests.
  • binary mlm customer

    Show in Bank Details:

  • Check that the withdrawal amount and related information appear correctly in the bank details or reconciliation system.
  • binary mlm customer

    Updating Withdrawal Status

  • Click on Update Status Button: For the withdrawal entry you want to manage, click the Update Status button associated with that row.
  • binary mlm customer

    Front-End Functionality Guide for Letscms Binary Plan

    Customer Registration
  • Register a new customer.
  • Screenshot: the registration form showing fields like Name, Email, Password , Username: ,Parent , Sponsor,etc.
  • binary mlm user_customer
    Customer Join
  • Ensure that the process for creating referrals and adding new customers under an existing user is functioning correctly.
  • Screenshot: Capture a screenshot of the referral creation process and the list of new referrals.
  • binary mlm user_customer

    Binary user Dashboard

    Customer Binary Dashboard
  • Ensure that the dashboard displays accurate information for user u1 including any sales, referrals, and commissions.
  • Screenshot: Capture a screenshot of Binary Dashboard
  • binary mlm Binary_Dashboard
    Customer Bank Info
  • Verify that the form allows updates and that the new information is saved correctly.
  • Screenshot: Capture a screenshot of Update Bank Info
  • binary mlm  bankdata_user
    Customer Genealogy
  • Confirm that the user u1's referrals (u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7) are correctly placed according to the referral settings and are visible in the genealogy tree.
  • Screenshot: Capture a screenshot of Genealogy Dashboard
  • binary mlm Binary_Genealogy_Dashboard
    User Referrals
  • Ensure that all referrals are listed and properly associated with user u1.
  • Screenshot: Capture a screenshot of Referrals Dashboard
  • binary mlm Binary_Dashboard_Referrals
    User Payouts
  • Confirm that the payouts are correctly calculated based on the orders and the referral structure.
  • Screenshot: Capture a screenshot of Payouts Dashboard
  • binary mlm Binary_Dashboard
    User Transactions
  • Verify that all transactions are recorded accurately and reflect the correct order details.
  • Screenshot: Capture a screenshot of Transactions Dashboard
  • binary mlm user_tran

    User Withdrawal

    User Withdrawal Requests list
  • Confirm that the withdrawal requests are listed and match the submitted requests for user
  • Screenshot: Capture a screenshot of Withdrawal Dashboard
  • binary mlm Binary_Dashboard
    Create Withdrawal Request
  • Ensure that the request is processed correctly and the user is notified.
  • Screenshot: Capture a screenshot of Create Withdrawal Request Dashboard
  • binary mlm Binary_Dashboard
  • Verify that commissions are calculated and displayed correctly for user u1 and their referrals.
  • Screenshot: Capture a screenshot of Commissions Dashboard
  • binary mlm Binary_Dashboard


  • The user has been registered successfully. Let me know if you'd like to proceed with any further actions, such as placing an order or creating referrals
  • binary mlm Binary_Dashboard
  • Ensure that the order status is updated to the status that triggers commission generation (e.g., "Completed" or "panding"). This is necessary for the commission calculations to take effect.
  • binary mlm Binary_Dashboard