Letscms Buy Now Button Module Documentation


  • The Letscms Buy Now Button module simplifies the checkout process for Magento 2 stores by adding a "Buy Now" button. This feature lets customers go directly to checkout from product or category pages, bypassing the cart and streamlining the shopping experience. It's designed to help customers purchase items faster, especially for single-item purchases.

Key Benefits

  • Enhanced Conversion Rates: The "Buy Now" button can boost conversions by allowing customers to make quick purchases without navigating through the cart.
  • Improved User Experience: Customers can skip the cart step and proceed directly to checkout, reducing friction and encouraging faster purchases.
  • Greater Flexibility:Admin users have full control over where the button appears and whether the cart is visible


  • The Buy Now Button module allows Magento merchants to place a "Buy Now" button on both product and category pages. The module offers settings to control its visibility, placement, and functionality. You can enable or disable the button sitewide or for specific categories, and customize how the cart interacts with it.



  • Before starting the installation, ensure that your Magento environment meets the following prerequisites:
System Requirements:
  • PHP Version: 7.4 or higher is recommended.
  • Composer: Must be installed for dependency management.
  • Database Backup: Backup your database and files to prevent data loss during installation..

Magento 2 module installation. Here's a detailed guide on how to proceed:

Magento 2 module Installation

Step 1:Extract the Zip File:
  • Extract the contents of the zip file to a temporary directory on your computer.
Step 2: Copy Files to Magento Root Directory:
  • Copy all files and folders from the extracted zip file.
  • Paste the copied files into the Upload the extracted files to the app/code/Letscms/BuyNowBtn directory in your Magento root.
Step 3: Open Terminal or CMD:
  • Change your working directory to the Magento root directory using the following command:
  • you need to run the following commands to install and activate the module:

    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
    php bin/magento cache:clean

Verify Installation:

  • php bin/magento module:status
  • Log into your Magento Admin Panel.
  • Navigate toStores > Configuration > Letscms Buy Now Button > Buy Now.
  • Confirm that the module is listed and enabled, ensuring that all settings are accessible.
  • Visit the frontend of your store and ensure the "Buy Now" button appears on product and/or category pages


  • Permissions Issue: Ensure the app/code directory and its contents have the correct permissions set for your web server user.
  • Magento Cache: If you encounter issues, try clearing Magento caches and reindexing:

    php bin/magento indexer:reindex
    php bin/magento cache:clean


General Settings

genralconfig Letscms buynowbtn page
  • Go to Stores > Configuration > Letscms Buy Now Button > Buy Now. and update general settings for defaults.
  • Fill all given fields
  • Enable Buy Now Butoon: set "YES" to enable plan for website.
  • Enable the Module:
    1. hide add to cart on category pages:
    2. button title:
    3. Button Color:
    4. Button Text Color:

  • Frontend Functionality

    Buy Now Button on Product and Category Pages:
    • Single-Click Checkout: When customers click the "Buy Now" button, they are immediately taken to the checkout page, bypassing the cart entirely.
    • Streamlined Experience: This button is perfect for customers purchasing a single product, making their shopping experience faster and more efficient.
    Cart Button Control on Category Page:
    • Optional Cart Button Visibility: You can hide the "Add to Cart" button on category pages when the "Buy Now" button is active. This allows for a cleaner, simpler shopping experience.
    • Configuration in Admin: Control whether the "Add to Cart" button is visible in Stores > Configuration > Letscms Buy Now Button > Buy Now.
    Customization Options:

    You can further customize the look of the "Buy Now" button:

    • Button Text Color: Choose a color that stands out and makes the text easy to read.
    • Button Background Color: Select a background color that matches your store's design.
    • Button Title: Set Button Name .
    Letscms product page

    Troubleshooting and FAQs

    Common Issues

  • Button Not Displaying: Ensure the module is enabled, clear the cache, and reindex
  • Compatibility with Custom Themes: If the button style conflicts with your custom theme, adjust the CSS in Stores > Configuration > Letscms Buy Now Button > Buy Now
  • Checkout Issues: Verify that your checkout settings align with Magento configuration and that no custom checkout modules conflict with the BuyNowBtn module
  • Uninstallation Guide

    To remove the module, run the following commands:

  • you need to run the following commands to install and activate the module:

    php bin/magento module:disable Letscms_BuyNowBtn
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
    php bin/magento cache:flush
  • hide Cart button

    Image 1

    With Cart button

    Image 2

    Product View Page Show Buy Now Button

    Image 3

    Mdule General Settings

    Image 4